Partnerships, sources of innovation and competitiveness

Specializing in the design and transformation of elastomer solutions, particularly multi-materials parts in constrained environments (thermal, low and high pressure, static and/or dynamic stresses, fluid transfer, etc.), ITC collaborates with numerous laboratories, research institutes and trade organizations for the development of new materials or processes in the field of elastomers. We worked in particular on the following subjects:

  • THERMEL project – Crosslinks thermo-kinetics
  • PARCHOC project- Damping materials
  • BIOPROOF project – Bio-sourced or recycled raw materials
  • Smart Rubber
  • FABADDSIL project – Elastomer additive manufacturing
  • FLAMS Project – Long-term aging of fluorosilicones (FVMQ)
Competitivity cluster for Rubbers, Plastics and Composites
Technical Center for Mechanical Industries
Group of French Aeronautical and Space Industries
Process and Engineering Laboratory in Materials Mechanics
Research Laboratory Mines Paris Tech
Institute Charles Gerhardt Montpellier(UMR 5253)
Rubber Training Institute
French Center for Rubber and Polymers
Rubber and Plastics Research and Control Laboratory